Get Answers
Answers in Genesis is dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith.
Version: 2.0.7
Program available in: English
Program license: Free
Program by: AnswersInGenesis
Get Answers is an Android app developed by AnswersInGenesis (2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd Petersburg, KY 41080 USA).
Get Answers first became available on 26 Jun 2013. It is estimated that Get Answers has been downloaded between 10000 and 50000 times from the Play Store.
Get Answers 2.0.7 requires the following permissions:
Allows an app to access approximate location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.
Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.
Allows an application to access extra location provider commands.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows an application to read from external storage.
Allows an application to write to external storage.

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